Sustainable Procurement Policy

by admsusint
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Al-Quds University Sustainable Procurement Policy


This policy establishes the approach Al-Quds University will undertake for procurement activities pertaining to the purchase of goods, services, and works. The policy aims to demonstrate how Al-Quds University will obtain the best value for money through its expenditure on third-party suppliers. The policy outlines the principles, key activities, roles and responsibilities, systems, and assurance framework.

This policy should be interpreted alongside other university policies including the Sustainable Investment Policy, Ethical Conduct Policy, and Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy. This policy supersedes any previous procurement, purchasing, and external expenditure policies.


This policy governs all expenditure of Al-Quds University with external parties and trade suppliers for the procurement of goods, services, and works. It includes both unrestricted and restricted expenditure.

The policy applies to all university employees, including students, consultants, contractors, or agents acting on behalf of the university in a staff capacity or role and/or acting as a buyer or purchaser.

All university subsidiary entities are expected to adopt this or a similar policy within their own governance.


Procurement activities must be lawful, in compliance with relevant current legislation, and adhere to the following principles:

  1. Delivering value for money for Al-Quds University as a whole
  2. Ensuring equal treatment of suppliers
  3. Promoting open competition
  4. Upholding sustainability and social responsibility (considering social, economic, environmental factors, carbon accounting, community benefits, and alignment with relevant Sustainable Development Goals)
  5. Fostering innovation
  6. Effectively managing risk
  7. Providing transparency in our processes and decision-making
  8. Upholding ethical conduct
  9. Ensuring sound operational control

Sustainable Procurement Strategies and Approved Suppliers

The Al-Quds University Procurement Department, in collaboration with internal customers and budget holders, will identify and contract with suppliers through competitive sourcing. A list of Approved Suppliers will be maintained on the Procurement website.

All purchases must be made in accordance with this Sustainable Procurement Policy and with university-approved suppliers and sourcing strategies. Suppliers without a valid university contract must not be used.

Value for Money

The main objective of this Sustainable Procurement Policy is to ensure that the university achieves value for money for its third-party expenditure. Purchase decisions will consider the following factors:

  • Total cost of ownership over life-cycle (price, delivery costs, implementation costs, ongoing operating costs, maintenance costs, recycling and reuse, end-of-life disposal costs)
  • Suitability for purpose
  • Social responsibility and sustainability
  • Environmental impact
  • Supplier service levels
  • Innovation
  • Health and Safety
  • Supplier adherence to university contract terms and conditions
  • Supplier financial health
  • Potential conflicts of interest
  • Risk management
  • Contract management performance

Contract Management

The university will manage its contracts according to this Sustainable Procurement Policy and the Contract Management framework. This framework identifies key contracts which will be managed to ensure commercial, legal, risk, and performance obligations are met, and the contracts deliver the required ongoing benefits to the university.

Approved Systems

Purchase Orders should be raised through the university’s approved procurement system. All university Purchase Orders must be raised through this system.

No commitment should be given to a third-party supplier without a valid Purchase Order from this system. In an emergency situation where commitment needs to be given to a supplier, the appropriate requisition needs to be completed the next working day.

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities for procurement activities are as follows:

  • The University Council: Delegates financial authorization, approves the University Delegated Authorization Schedule, and approves the University Sustainable Procurement Policy.
  • The Procurement Director: Responsible for University Procurement Strategy, University Sustainable Procurement Policy, and Procedures, and University Procurement Department and its operations.
  • Specialist Procurement staff in the Procurement Department: Leads procurement and sourcing activities on behalf of the University, conducts supplier due diligence, negotiates contracts and agreements, and manages key contracts.
  • Staff in Schools and Departments: Identifies purchase requirements, provides technical input, obtains necessary budgets and funding, and uses university-approved suppliers.


Requests for any exception to this policy must be made to the Procurement Director and must be agreed upon in writing in advance. Any agreed exceptions will be time-limited and subject to periodic review.

Audit and Review

The Procurement Support team will review procurement activities, supplier spend, and purchase orders for compliance with the Sustainable Procurement Policy. The university is committed to conducting all procurement activity in a manner that is justifiable, legitimate, and will not risk the University’s reputation.

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with university goals and legal requirements. The University is committed to the prevention of bribery and to observing the provisions of the bribery act, and will not tolerate bribery or other improper conduct either inside Palestine or abroad, by staff or other individuals or organizations who perform services for or on behalf of the University.

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