Safeguarding our Community with the Anti-Harassment Policy at Al-Quds University

by admsusint
Published: Last Updated on 3.4K views

Anti-Harassment Policy

Harassment, in any form, stands in stark contrast to the values we uphold at Al-Quds University. With our robust Anti-Harassment Policy, we strive to create a campus environment that is free from intimidation, hostility, or offensiveness.

Harassment encompasses a range of unwelcome conduct based on protected classes such as race, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, and others. This can take the form of physical actions, verbal or written remarks, or even visual depictions. Such conduct that unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, will not be tolerated.

All members of the university community are expected to adhere to this policy. Any violation will result in a thorough investigation by the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Office, and if substantiated, can lead to serious disciplinary measures, including dismissal from the university or termination of employment.

Moreover, we take a strong stand against retaliation. Any adverse action against individuals for making a good faith harassment complaint or participating in an investigation is considered a violation of the policy.

Through strict enforcement of our Anti-Harassment Policy, Al-Quds University continues its commitment to ensuring the physical, psychological, and emotional wellbeing of its community members.

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